
31 August 2006

A lack of activity explained...

Those of you who read this blog regularly will notice that my output has slowed to a crawl over the past few weeks.

I would like to reassure the pair of you that it is not because I'm dead. Or lazy. Well, maybe the last point can be reviewed.

It's simply impossible for me to post anything at the moment, because I'm getting married on Sunday, and there is still a hell of a lot left to do.

So this will be my last word for a couple of weeks. The next two weeks will see me cooling my toes on a beach in Malaysia.

In the meantime have a look at Crikey - it's got a great new look, and it's now way easier to navigate around.

Happy hunting.

18 August 2006

RRR Radiothon now on

We're rather fortunate in Melbourne. We have a very strong community radio network that few other Australian cities have.

We're fortunate enough to have 3RRR and 3PBS, two of the most eclectic radio stations you could ever listen to.

My good buddy Mohair Slim has a show on Sundays, Blue Juice on PBS where he just plays music that he's extremely passionate about, being soul, R&B (the real stuff), blues, jazz, ska and reggae from the 40's through to the 60's.

And this is fantastic stuff. It's not music that I'm 100% into, but the fact that he can play it is 100% excellent.

On other parts of the dial there is 3CR, which concentrates less on music and more on discussion and LOTEs, and 3MBS which is fully devoted to classical music.

There are other stations in Melbourne that are local to only a few suburbs, too.

These stations only exist through public subscription, and RRR has its annual radiothon on at the moment.

If you subscribe now, you go into prize draws where you can win tonnes of stuff.

Please support your community radio stations - if you don't, who will?

Live streams can be found here:

13 August 2006

The state of my blog is a mess

Please excuse the state of Dikkii's Diatribe at the moment.

I decided to do some surgery on it to fixup the layout and clean it up a little, and it seems to have decided to have a spazz attack in several areas, mostly the advertising content provided by Google.

I am hoping to have the problem rectified soon, but in the meantime, please pretend that my blog is a little better organised.

10 August 2006

40th Skeptics' Circle

Some excellent reading here, this fortnight.

There are interesting things to being a bloke.

One of these things is that mention of "colon" is guaranteed to raise a smirk.

That's why my favourite this time around has been Orac's Your Friday Dose of Woo: Would you like a liver flush with that colon cleanse?

Brilliant stuff.

As always, tonnes of stuff for everyone.

Read it here:

Daylight Atheism » The 40th Skeptics' Circle

01 August 2006

Hate mail to Bobby Henderson (updated)

I wrote this post on 27 July.

Since then, Bobby has updated his site to include spots for commenting on each of the hate mails.

So, so much more quality reading. And so many comments in the space of 24 to 48 hours.

This is going to be a rip-roaring success.


(13/08/2006) Since I wrote this, I've realised that I didn't put the new link to the comments page, as I thought that Bobby hadn't changed it. Seems that I made an erroneous assumption, but anyway, the new comments page is here.

You must check it out.