
05 November 2008

To My American Readers

Good luck with the upcoming elections. You, unlike us Aussies, have a democratic right not to vote.

My only explicit wish is that you don't choose to exercise this right.

(I have another wish, but I'm sure that you already know what that one is. It relates to the outcome, but far be it for me to attempt to influence your voting.)


  1. Let us hope that the "brown man replaces the clown man"

  2. Yes can't claim credit for that one. See Sean Bedlam on youtube -Australian comedian

  3. It's in and done, Dikki. You can rest well for the next four years at least.

  4. Yay! Thanks Akusai. Very pleased, thank you.

    And I'll be checking Sean Bedlam out too, thanks Sean.

  5. Who won?

    Ahhhh hahahahaha! w00t-effin-h00! {sigh} Good stuff.

    Of course the trick now is for his Admin to make everyone Just as excited (if not more so) to see him Re-elected. I do really believe it's goin' to do just that.

  6. It depends on on how he goes over the next four years, I think, MB. It's possible that he could end up getting Herbert Hoovered depending on how the US fares with the impending recession.
