Well folks, Ted has nominated me for a thinking blogger award. Naturally, my ego being what it is, I'm quietly barring-up at this. Thanks Ted.
Plonka's Blog which Ted puts together is one that I read quite frequently, and his subject matter is a veritable cornucopia - and very similar subject matter to mine, although, he has excellent manners where I tend to get emotional from time to time.
But anyway, the fact that a blogger who I very much admire has nominated me is totally cool in my book.
Without further ado - here are the rules of nominating:
- If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with 5 blogs that make you think
- Link to this post so that people can find the exact origin of the meme.
- Optional: Proudly display the “Thinking Blogger Award” with a link to the post that you wrote (there is a silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).
- Your chosen blogs cannot have been previously awarded.
Not bad, eh?
I describe my blog, and have done so since 1997 as:
This page is an outlet for my own hate-filled vitriol and spiteful opinions. Uneducated as I am in the ways of the world, it's still necessary to vent my spleen at the media, the music industry, the AFL and anyone else who could have offended my sensibilities. I plan for this to be updated occasionally, depending on my state of mind. So you can either look forward to, or avoid my one-sided, uninformed and dangerously unbalanced opinions on the state of the world and everyone in it.
While this isn't exhaustive, I think that these days my targets probably tend, more often than not to be woo, religion, the finance industry and the media.
But anyway, without further ado, here are my nominations, bearing in mind that some of the blogs I frequently read, such as The Bronze Blog, The Two Percent Company Rants and 95% of You are Morons don't usually respond to these tags.
Also, BeepBeep!ItsMe and Plonka's Blog have already been nominated.
These are the blogs that make me think:
Dubito Ergo Sum (Tom Foss) - "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. --Carl Sagan"
Silly Humans (Michael Bains) - "We are what we only pretend to be. So we must be careful about what we pretend to be. Kurt Vonnegut"
Die Eigenheit (Einzige) - "Ownness [eigenheit] includes in itself everything own... But ownness has not any alien standard either, as it is not in any sense an idea like freedom, morality, humanity, and the like. It is only a description of the - owner."
The Church of the Everlasting Groove - (The Rev. Jenner J. Hull) - "The Funkiest Religion Under the Stratosphere, Baby..."
Action Skeptics - (Akusai with help from Magus) - "Annoying stupid people, one woo at a time."
You deserve it Dikkii, just keep 'em coming...:)
Thanks for the rave too...:)
Rave? I missed a Rave??? Damn!
I seem to have got into a habit of being nebulously way too personal on SH lately. I've been thinkin' 'bout this tag though, hoping it helps me focus on whatever the hekk it is I used to think I was bloggin' about!
I'm workin' on it, Dikkii. Focus ain't exactly my strong suit right now though...
Heh... Ironically enough, I wanna tell you, Thx for yer apparent Faith in me. That's an intangible I don't give m'self any, much less enough of.
Alright, lemme try . .
I seem to have got into a habit of being nebulously way too personal on SH lately. I've been thinkin' 'bout this tag though, hoping it helps me focus on whatever the hekk it is I used to think I was bloggin' about!
There's nothing wrong with that unless you, you know, like, blog about close family or friends anmd they're not cool with that.
Alright, lemme try . .
I'm sure you'll find somthing. Although, as someone once said to me, a blog tag is just non-financial pyramid selling.
Thanks a lot, Dikkii.
Of course, now I must divulge that this was only a part of my nefarious plot to say that I kinda, sorta know someone from Australia! *Evil Laughter*
Seriously, though, I think this is a cool meme to spread the goodness around so people can find blogs and such that they may never have encountered otherwise.
I never knew of Plonka's, Silly Humans, or Die Eigenheit before, so good call there.
Dikkii, your nomination has me at a loss for words.
Thanks very much!
Hi Jenner. You wrote:
Of course, now I must divulge that this was only a part of my nefarious plot to say that I kinda, sorta know someone from Australia! *Evil Laughter*
Your evil plot appears to be a success.
I never knew of Plonka's, Silly Humans, or Die Eigenheit before, so good call there.
Oh they're good. Do enjoy. I know I do.
G'day Einzige. You wrote:
Dikkii, your nomination has me at a loss for words.
Thanks very much!
Well, being that you're still the only person I've seen submit a financial article to Skeptics' Circle, this makes it well deserved, I say.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Making my first technorati search in months, I'd like to say...yeah, I really don't respond to tags like I should.
Anybody have a better way to look than technorati?
BTW, I'm gonna add you to the list of "Blogs That Do Not Suck" at some point...
RRyan wrote:
Anybody have a better way to look than technorati?
Not sure. It's what I use, but it doesn't pick up all blogs terribly well. I like its tag functionality, though.
BTW, I'm gonna add you to the list of "Blogs That Do Not Suck" at some point...
Woo hoo! An honour and a privelege.
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